Saturday, March 6, 2010

Kissing. And Other Things That Are Not So Pleasant.

Kissing is underrated. It seems like all people want to talk about is sex. Some kisses leave me so weak in the knees that I think about them for days. I like to close my eyes an daydream about such kisses.

I shared a few of those with OMFG the other day. That's all we did was kiss. No fooling around, or sex. Just touching and kissing. I was more aroused then than I am during foreplay sessions with most people. The feeling of hesitation before your heads move just centimeters away from each other. You can feel their breath on your face. Maybe you smile a little because you are excited and anxious. You close your eyes and your lips touch. Sometimes, its magic.

I realize how cheesy this sounds. But when you are in the lustful, passionate phase with someone kissing is AMAZING.

OMFG leaned in to kiss me and pulled away right before our lips touched. He moved his head back, cocked it sideways, and smiled.

He knew I was dying for it.

I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him to me. He wrapped his arms around my body and held me close. We kissed. Deeply. I could hear both of us sigh amidst our kiss. We both wanted it.

We aren't together right now. He is at home with her. Probably resting comfortably in her arms. Cuddling maybe. I feel a little nauseous thinking about it. And yet, I continue to imagine it. Does he love her in the same way he loves me? Does he feel more comfortable with her? Does she make him happy? Do I make him happy? ARE WE MEANT TO BE??? I don't know.

I keep wondering if he loves me as much as I love him and is he in this as deeply as I am? I have a feeling there is a point of no return I am about to reach. Where we have to go all in, or leave heartbroken. I'm scared of both choices.

I'm at home with Mr. Nice Guy. He is in bed, sleeping soundly. I am listening to the dulcet tones coming from my computer. Heartbreak Warfare. Have two more true words ever been spoken?

I'm a little sad.

Is it strange to feel alone when you're surrounded by people who love you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perfectly played OMFG.

Kissing is desperately underrated for sure.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do.