Wednesday, May 12, 2010


When it comes to sex, what have you done? What have you not done and would like to try? Is there anything wrong with liking or enjoying traditional sex? And, can you like it both ways?

I'm all for experimentation. But, I do not believe it will make sex better. It can make an already enjoyable experience different and enhanced, but not make bad sex good. The only thing that can make bad sex good is communication. You have to talk about the issues, what you and your partner enjoy and find common ground. It's also about chemistry. Chemistry is one thing you can't fake. It amazes me what a difference chemistry makes in sexual encounters. With OMFG and Eclectic Listener there was amazing chemistry. Still is with Eclectic Listener. I had a friend ask me other day, "How do you know when the chemistry is good?" It got me thinking. If you have to ask that question, you've never felt it.

It's a feeling. A charge. Its pliable. Tangible. It's like electricity between two people. The spark. Eclectic Listener and I are good at eye contact when it counts. There is a look that we give each other and its a total "Fuck Me." look. I don't know how else to explain it. It isn't a longing gaze. It isn't staring into each others souls. It's a three second glance. And its dirty. And I like it. This look, this look is a MAJOR part of our chemistry. I'm not even sure if he is fully aware of the look. But every time it happens, I get wet. Immediately. And he is WELL AWARE of that effect he has on me. He can say a few words to me, under his breath, totally unassumingly, and I will get a look on my face. He'll smile and say, "I just made you wet." My response in my head is "DAMMMMMIIIITTT." Because he is right.

Yes, this all ties into experimentation. Because the sex has to be good for the experimentation to work. And for the sex to be good you have to have chemistry. See how I have gone full circle? I asked Eclectic Listener yesterday if there was anything he hadn't done he would like to try. His response? "I dunno, I'm not a whore, but I've done alot. What about you?" I liked his response and it was almost the one I was hoping for. He and I have a slight dominant/submissive thing going on and he knows I like to be told what to do. So, I figure if we are going to experiment it will work better if he knows what he is doing. I have had a few unsuccessful attempts at being tied up, handcuffed, etc. The chemistry and relationship balance wasn't right for it to work. But, I think this time, it will. Eclectic Listener said he already has handcuffs. I said for him to "cuff me to your headboard and go down on me." The thought of him doing that scares me and excites me. I have a tendency to stop him when he goes down on me because it feels so good, it's too much. If I was handcuffed, I wouldn't have that option.

I want to give him something he hasn't had before. I don't mean a new position, or a new toy, but a feeling. I want him to feel a kind of pleasure he has never felt before. I know this is something that will come with time, and the more we get to know each others bodies. I love going down on him, and I will continue to do this. But I want to give him the strongest, most explosive orgasm he has ever felt. The last time I asked, he said I rank in the top 2 or 3 for blow jobs. This made me slightly sad as I take great pride in my BJ skills. I intend to rank number 1. As soon as possible.

I am so ready to feel him. Soon?

*Writers Note--Apparently, in his post orgasmic haze, I don't listen well. Seconds after posting I receive a text from Eclectic Listener. "Great post. But I told you that it was the best BJ I ever had." So, evidently, my sucking dick like a goddess status still stands. Whew, what a relief.


Anonymous said...

can you get chemstry if you don't start with it though? It seems to me like it is either there or it isn't.

I agree with you. Did you ask him what made the #1 get the top spot?

Jim Young said...

Sounds like you have some wonderful chemistry going on there, hon. That's really what makes the difference. I have to say, that without the chemistry, even a fantastic blow job is just a good one. I'll bet sparks fly when you're into the guy you're with.

Chapter Two said...

So this is my take - when a guy goes down on you it is an incredibly intense feeling - but instead of stopping it.... relax, let go, stop the control. If and when you do that you will be amazed at the result ;)

maybe having your hands out of reach is a good idea until you learn to let go and enjoy. letting go and giving up control is something that is good/o.k. if you trust the person you are with.

Martie said...

Chemistry... Mmmmmm, really enhanced him throwing me up against the linen closet door in the hallway at lunchtime. Chemistry, me likey.