Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Missed Connection.

I have had plans with Eclectic Listener the last three nights and have yet to see him. No, he hasn't been standing me up. Well, not exactly.

Last week we had a fantastic night together. We had made plans for Sunday night and I was confident our drought would end on Sunday. As I was leaving his house, I said something about having Saturday night off. He took that to mean I wanted to change our plans to Saturday. After some discussion, we decided to make our plans for Saturday.

Friday I texted him and asked what time he was getting off on Saturday. He said, "About 3. Why?"
"Because I wanted to see how our schedules matched up for our plans. We do still have plans right?
"Most Likely, I'll have to see what else I have going on."


So, I said, "Um, I'm not really ok with that. I don't get many Saturday nights off and I don't want to have plans that may or may not fall through. That isn't really fair to me."
"You're right, I'm sorry. Enjoy your Saturday night."

I was disappointed to say the least. But, we still had plans for Sunday right?


He has re-occurring work on Sunday nights and it kept him up super late. I had to work Monday morning. I suggested we make plans for Monday. He agreed.
"These are definite plans right?" I asked.
"Definite plans."

Monday I went to work looking forward to seeing him. Kissing him. Touching him. Feeling him inside me.

An hour before I am supposed to be at his house, I receive this text.

"Well, in the tradition of cancelling on you and coming off like a complete asshole..."

There was more to the message. He actually had a legitimate excuse. I was disappointed. He also told me, "I hate that I consistently disappoint you." and "I won't blame you if you tell me to fuck off with my track record as of late." I told him to keep me posted on what was going on. "I will. If its not too late, I'd love to still have you over. I am really sorry."

I tried to meet up with him later after his crisis had passed, but he was with family.

I hate that I want to see him. I wish I didn't. I wish I didn't want to feel our lips touch and turn into a heated make out session. Feel his strong arms pull me closer to him. Hear me moan into his mouth.

I wish I didn't want those things.

But I do.

I'm waiting.

It's been 15 days.


Jim Young said...

Sounds like the build-up is going to work you into a frenzy. Hope you guys don't wind up going mad by the time you get together!

Anonymous said...

It sucks ! I hope you get to see him soon.

Riff Dog said...

That would drive me crazy, too. I think the worst part would be wondering where I really stood.