Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Is a Relationships still a Relationship if You Don't Call it That??

Things with Mr. Nice Guy are fantastic.

Last weekend he came to visit me, even though I am in my new city which is almost two hours away. I was missing him horribly. Which is a bad sign if you are dating a guy when you aren't sure you want to be in a relationship and he is sure that he wants to be.

Does any of this make sense?

As I have mentioned before, I haven't been single that long. I got out the relationship with the ex and I have dated several guys but still not single for long. I thought it would be at least a year before I had a relationship again. How do you know when you are ready?

Now, my circumstances with The Ex were different. I had to be ready to leave him before I would have the courage to do it. So, in my mind, I was checked out way before I actually told him. We had been together a long time and I really loved him but I had to get out. I couldn't handle the issues that he had. I don't care to go into it here, because some things are private, but suffice it so say it was not a healthy situation.

So, do my circumstances change the amount of time I need before I date someone seriously again?

TDH called me today and wants to see me this weekend. Do I want to see him? I'm not sure.

I have decided to play it by ear. I can't let a really great guy that I love spending time with slip through my fingers. He is amazing. When I am with him I am completely myself. He makes me laugh which is always number one on my list. And, he is the most caring person I have ever met.

The highlight of my weekend?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel your "pain"... for lack of a better term.

You can't control when great people come into your life, but you DO have to be aware of it happening.

Is that the fun part?

But, even though great people come into your life... sometimes a simple "I can only commit to a physical relationship right now" may be just the ticket.

This way, you still have your freedom to explore and recharge... yet you still get the "extras" as well.

I think this works for men AND women equally in this regard.

The problem: thinking such a comment is... bad... or slutty.
