Wednesday, March 16, 2011


So, I went on a casual first date last night. He was cute, conversation flowed easily enough, and I was seeing a second date on the horizon.

Then his (ex?) girlfriend showed up.

"How could you do this to me?!?" "Lets go outside and discuss this. I broke up with you."
"No! You said you love me. That you'd love me forever! What about my kids???"
Kids! She has kids! I felt like I had suddenly walked into an episode of Maury.
I was so entranced that for a minute I continued to sip my Diet Coke with Lime and watch with faint amusement. It was a spectacle, for sure.

When she started hyperventilating, I exited the restaurant.

Fuck me, this is why I will be single forever.

1 comment:

Athena Hunter said...

Wow! You've got to be kidding me. You've finally beat me out on terrible first date stories. :)